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Thursday, November 12, 2009

ODDITY/SCARY : Giant marionettes

Now this is a puppet show. Pictures and movies can be found on this page but the explanation was found here.
Residents of Nantes, France woke to a space capsule crashed into a smoking pile of rubble in the central square of the city. Later that day, a giant animatronic elephant and entourage of the Sultan paraded into town to visit the mayor.

Then, on saturday, the capsule opened to reveal a giant animatronic girl who walked through the streets, mischievously sewed a row of parked cars to the street with a shipping Hauser rope, rode a scooter, and even asked that the crowd give her some privacy while she used the toilet.

This play went on all day -- the Giant and elephant slept curled together in a park -- for an entire weekend. People were completely involved in this fantasy, and you can only imagine the effect it has on the imaginations and passions of children.

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